Do U Lap Dance Her? What could possibly be your answer? Would U think that it is uncool? Or perhaps U are too timid to do that?
Again, everyone will have their own take. For me? My two cents worth, hell, why not! The whole concept of lap dance is to add that element of fun in a relationship. To sizzle up the intimacy factor. Could that possibly be a bad thing?
I think that it is all very sexy. It is in the suggestive nature of the dance. That sense of anticipation. Boys, don't forget, men are more visual than women. It takes a lot more work to turn on a woman compared to a man. (who dares disagree!!! she growls *op)
Hence, a lap dance could be something for U to think about. That close yet not close enough feeling will make a woman feel your presence and yearn for more. The seduction is in the smell, the scent, the touch. It's all gonna be wooonnndddeerrfffuulll intoxication for the two of U.
When was your last magical night together?
Tips for the men:
If U are seriously contemplating this, I applaud your courage. Some quick pointers to encourage U:
* Atmosphere makes a world of difference. Music, candles, aroma, U seriously can't do without.
* Aphrodisiac food. It is said that certain food increase fertility and others, increases sex drive. I believe it is more than that. Certain food puts certain special somebody in a sensual mood. What is her favourite? Chocolates? Strawberries? Whip cream? U mean U don't know?!?!
* Objective. Why do U want to lap dance her? To pleasure her? Or to get what U want out of her? Although ultimately both should be a by product. Your INTENT is crucial. Women knows it whether your first priority is for yourself or for her. GIVE and U shall RECEIVE. As simple as that.
There U go, my two cents worth. If U need more feedback from a woman's perspective, be more than happy to help. Email
Meanwhile, get it moving moving dude!
p.s. for your amusement only -,,1874919,00.html#article_continue
p.s.s. Lap Dance Workshop for Women
25th Aug 12pm-1pm
Stay Sexy * Sassy * SensUalicioUs!,
Joy Leng
SensUal Diva
SensUal Joy Lifestyle Studio
"BeaUtiful Women, BeaUtiful World"
Tel: 62814782
Joy's Private Blog:
Address: 1019 Upper Serangoon Road
Singapore 534757
SensUal Joy is created for ladies who believes in celebrating a hppy, healthy and sensUal life together with other like minded ladies to make a positive impact of family, community and nation.
We are proud to be official Lifestyle Studio for Sexpo Singapore 2005 and sponsoring Health Promotion Board Anti Smoking Campaign 2006/7.
"Nothing in the universe can stop a joyful woman overflowing with confidence and sensUality"
- Joy Leng, Founder of SensUal Joy
i wanna to lap dance.... hehee..=>
I charge....
Hi Joy:
I just came across your portfolio and through that, your websites. I must say that I am impressed.
And you advice to men vis-a-vis lap dancing their ladies...thumbs up! A fun, entertaining and educational blurb.
Well, I just wanted to say Hi and let you know that someone appreciates the effort you are putting into your site.
Karl Callwood,
Hi Cash!
SensUal Greetings from SensUal Joy!
Thanks for visiting my blog. It all boils down to demand and supply i guess. keke...
U have no idea how much your encouragement means to me. Sometimes it does feel like an eternal uphill and thankless task.
To know that at least there is one guy out there who appreciate my work makes me feel absolutely sensUalicioUs! domo!!! *op
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