Friday, August 31, 2007

One Up For The Boys

"Came across your blog posting. I fully concur. I so agree with what you said. I like seeing pretty ladies (who doesn't) but I totally dislike how women are being objectified and how many women fall for the male attitude and start becoming the simple objects that many men view them as. To me, this spoils things. What is a person if not themselves?

One has to like, love and respect the essence of the individual to obtain true enjoyment and pleasure of being with another human being. Remove the sensuality and you remove the person. All that is left is fake and disappointing.

Some people say the respect has to start with the woman, some say with the man. I say, it starts with neither, but rather with both. If two people do not approach each other with respect, their can be no bonding as friends, acquaintances or even lovers.

Yet, as you have noted, men are not approaching women with respect and many women these days are simply accepting that. Maybe out of desperation? I don't know."

A guy who cares enough to read...


It is heartening that men out there are not visiting my blog just for visual stimulation. U actually bother to read and better still, THINK about the CONTENT. Bravo!!!

3 cheers for the boys! :o)

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