This is an awesome email I receive that has put some sunshine in my day in between my puking. keke.
"Hi Joy:
I just came across your portfolio and through that, your websites. I must say that I am impressed.
And you advice to men vis-a-vis lap dancing their ladies...thumbs up! A fun, entertaining and educational blurb.
Well, I just wanted to say Hi and let you know that someone appreciates the effort you are putting into your site."
Karl Callwood,
Nice! To which I have to reply:
U have no idea how much your encouragement means to me. Sometimes it does feel like an eternal uphill and thankless task.
To know that at least there is one guy out there who appreciate my work makes me feel absolutely sensUalicioUs! domo!!! *op
Hey guys,
If I managed to give U some ideas or direct your thoughts to some meaningful direction, please drop me a note so I know that this is all not in vain yeah. It does motivate me to continue to shed some light for the guys who are always wondering what we women are thinking about! I know, trust me, I have guy friends who lament about it all the time.
That's why I am blogging!!! So shut up, read and decide your action plan dude! And of course please show me some love sometimes too. Haha! See ya!
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