Friday, August 31, 2007
Another From the Photog
- Andy C
It is exciting to be working with people who sees my heart and who respects my work. Thank U Andy. U are one such soul. We are gonna so rock the next project! *wink*
Note from Photog
Had a wonderful time, thank you. You are easy to work with, and you have a passion for your dancing (even though you were not feeling good). The best part is you are not shy, and your dancing allows you to move and change your body as required, which is a great thing when doing photography.
Look forward to working with you again soon.
John K
Hi John,
it has been a privilege to work with someone like U, passionate about your art and committed to finding the best way to shoot all the time. Thank U for joining us. I can't wait for our next project! :o)
One Up For The Boys
One has to like, love and respect the essence of the individual to obtain true enjoyment and pleasure of being with another human being. Remove the sensuality and you remove the person. All that is left is fake and disappointing.
Some people say the respect has to start with the woman, some say with the man. I say, it starts with neither, but rather with both. If two people do not approach each other with respect, their can be no bonding as friends, acquaintances or even lovers.
Yet, as you have noted, men are not approaching women with respect and many women these days are simply accepting that. Maybe out of desperation? I don't know."
A guy who cares enough to read...
It is heartening that men out there are not visiting my blog just for visual stimulation. U actually bother to read and better still, THINK about the CONTENT. Bravo!!!
3 cheers for the boys! :o)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Sweet Words from A SensUalicious Babe
A Big Heartfelt Thank U to JL for the beautiful testimonial. I am very touched.
JL Testimonial
"Big Thank You to Joy for being such a wonderful Lao Si !
SensUal Joy studio is indeed a one of a kind studio where ladies can discover so much for themselves & open up to a whole new world *wink*
I came as a very reserved student..Not sure what to expect..what to do ...
But Joy was extremely patient with me, breaking down each step into what I can understand & absorb at my pace...
For those who are shy like me, I personally strongly, sincerely, absolutely recommend the private lessons...
Dun think about extra $...becos at the end of it, you will realise you actually benefited much more than you would imagine !
It is indeed such a privilege that we can learn from Joy's wealth of experience in such a 'safe' environment right at our door step.
For all ladies out there, believe in the power of being a woman & discover for yourself ! If a hermit like me can crawl out of my shell, so can anybody !
IN short, Can't get enough of Joy's lessons..Always something to discover..always something new to learn...
Again thank you Joy, you are such a amazing lady !"
I must say it is not difficult at all to coach JL. Because she comes with an open mind and determination to work hard at her sensUality. Huge pleasure to be able to share what I know with her.
All the best for the wedding preparation my love. May what U learn comes in handy. *wink*
Aug 2007
Men Wanna Talk!!!

This is an awesome email I receive that has put some sunshine in my day in between my puking. keke.
"Hi Joy:
I just came across your portfolio and through that, your websites. I must say that I am impressed.
And you advice to men vis-a-vis lap dancing their ladies...thumbs up! A fun, entertaining and educational blurb.
Well, I just wanted to say Hi and let you know that someone appreciates the effort you are putting into your site."
Karl Callwood,
Nice! To which I have to reply:
U have no idea how much your encouragement means to me. Sometimes it does feel like an eternal uphill and thankless task.
To know that at least there is one guy out there who appreciate my work makes me feel absolutely sensUalicioUs! domo!!! *op
Hey guys,
If I managed to give U some ideas or direct your thoughts to some meaningful direction, please drop me a note so I know that this is all not in vain yeah. It does motivate me to continue to shed some light for the guys who are always wondering what we women are thinking about! I know, trust me, I have guy friends who lament about it all the time.
That's why I am blogging!!! So shut up, read and decide your action plan dude! And of course please show me some love sometimes too. Haha! See ya!
Love Kitten Bootcamp - Xotic Beginners Part I
I have always been a typical modern day woman. Fluttering around everyday getting all flustered over the thousands of tasks to accomplish. Simply because of the desire to play the varied roles I hold in my life to the best of my ability. All too often, it will leave me listless, lifeless & lethargic. Does that sound very familiar?
Love Bootcamp will be a heaven sent for U if U share the same sentiments. Just imagine, over the span of 6 glorious hours U will be flooded with wonderful techniques & powerful secrets that every woman deserves to know & possess.
U will be introduced to the sexy world of beautiful kindred souls coming together to celebrate the powerful feminine life force. Be raptured by your own gorgeous body. Notice how subtle movements can dramatically transform the way U feel about your unique essence .
U can never experience this meaningful encounter with the diva in U until U take the first step of commitment. Say yes to the goddess inside whose spectacular entry to the world has been way overdue. Book your space now! See U in class sensUal one….
Techniques: Xotic, Pole, Wall Work, Styling
Sweetener: Showtime, Graduation Show, Sparkling Juice & Strawberries!
Date: 1st Sept Sat 1-7pm
Program Fee: $200 + $50 Membership Fee
*sensUal tip: add yourself to SensUal Joy's Friendster, membership will be waived! Yeah!
Buddy Package: Come with a friend, it's half price for U at $100!
*sensUal tip: split the difference with your girlfriend babe! *oP
Recommendation: Perfect as a gift for your girlfriend/wives or a wedding present!
Let’s get sexy! @----
Tel: 62814782
p.s. I will like to highlight that this is still my PRIVATE BLOG, vulnerable to my spontanteous outbursts of commercialism! Thank U!
Botak SensUal
Yes, she tore my carpet. AHHHH!!!! I really love SensUal U know! *she tears her hair* So I decided that best punishment will be to cut her botak!!! haha! Just kidding. She is always much cleaner when she cuts her hair and her hair tends to grow pretty fast.
As much as I love her pretty image when she has longer hair, I also have to bear in mind my busy schedule. Unless she can learn to trim her own hair. hehe. I also don't know how to trim my own!!!
Anyway, some angels actually like her this way. Shocking but true...
Till Death Do Us Part

My grandpa passed away last week. It was a peaceful death. He left in his sleep. I guess no one can possibly ask for a better way than that. I was in KL when I heard the news.
Though it was most unfortunate, I would not say that it was not expected. After all, he lived till the ripe age of 89. Not too bad if U asked me. Still, funerals are never easy. The physical and emotional demands on the individuals and the family.
It's very strange to see someone that U know lay there inside a wooden box. And it totally blows your mind when U watch that box move its way to destruction. Never to be seen again. All rather horrifying.
The wailing and the heart aches that U can feel at such times. It is very hard to keep your tears in check in moments like this. Alone we come, alone we go. Whatever we do, we will have to leave one day.
Hell, thank God I have SensUal Joy. Life is too short to not live to your highest capabilities. Life is too valuable to just blend in with the crowd. Life is what U make of, even if U have ten million lives, each one counts, for goodness sake, don't screw it up.
I feel extremely heartened that if I were to breath my last breath, I know that I would still have lived my life exactly the way it has been. Thank God for that. And I have full intention to keep it that way...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Master Art Class in SensUal Joy!
My good old reliable boots!
Was feeling terrible since yesterday. Been puking and having tummy ache. not very fun. And best of all, I have to dance for Professor John and his NIE teachers doing their Masters. Ahhhh!!!!
Thank God it was a lovely bunch of people. Thank U to one and all who came to my beautiful studio, Joseph, Norlita, Gloria, Choy Har, Sok Tiow, Hsiao Yuz, Soon Chim, Mush and those of U who never leave down your name! humph! *op
Of course a kiss to Professor John who made everything possible. Not forgetting our very enthusiastic photogs, Andy and John. U guys are wonderful. I was determined to give it my best shot, and contribute to make the session meaningful.
I was delighted to see that some of the teachers had worked with me before and could easily slide into the work. Others, though may have worked with me for the very first time, still I saw amazing work.
Teachers, U can really draw man! I saw the speed of how some of U sketch me. It was simply amazing. I want to draw like that also!!!! :oP
To the teachers who came to me and told me i was a great dancer to work with, thank U from the bottom of my heart. It made me feel the effort was so worth the while. It always helps when U have an appreciative audience.
During the 2nd break, I could sense my stomach churning worse than usual. Wise me headed straight to the shower room. Indeed, a waterfall just came out of me spontaneously.
Luckily, everything was coming to an end. It was a fabulous session with these beautiful people. Having said that, I am just grateful it's over and I'm still alive!!! haha!
p.s. John, pics please!!! :o)
p.s.s. Choy Har, U are really cute U know. keke...
Studio Rental Available
Studio Rental available -
ideal for photography, small gatherings, rehearsals, etc
Faith Studio $25 per hr, $45 for two hrs.
Hope Studio $20 p/hr, $35 for two hrs.
Pole usage additional $5p/hr
Costumes rental $20 p/session
Subject to availability
Complimentary drinks
Stay Sexy * Sassy * SensUalicioUs!,
Joy Leng
SensUal Diva
SensUal Joy Lifestyle Studio
"BeaUtiful Women, BeaUtiful World"
Tel: 62814782
Joy's Private Blog:
Address: 1019 Upper Serangoon Road
Singapore 534757
SensUal Joy is created for ladies who believes in celebrating a hppy, healthy and sensUal life together with other like minded ladies to make a positive impact of family, community and nation.
We are proud to be official Lifestyle Studio for Sexpo Singapore 2005 and sponsoring Health Promotion Board Anti Smoking Campaign 2006/7.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Do U Lap Dance Her?
Do U Lap Dance Her? What could possibly be your answer? Would U think that it is uncool? Or perhaps U are too timid to do that?
Again, everyone will have their own take. For me? My two cents worth, hell, why not! The whole concept of lap dance is to add that element of fun in a relationship. To sizzle up the intimacy factor. Could that possibly be a bad thing?
I think that it is all very sexy. It is in the suggestive nature of the dance. That sense of anticipation. Boys, don't forget, men are more visual than women. It takes a lot more work to turn on a woman compared to a man. (who dares disagree!!! she growls *op)
Hence, a lap dance could be something for U to think about. That close yet not close enough feeling will make a woman feel your presence and yearn for more. The seduction is in the smell, the scent, the touch. It's all gonna be wooonnndddeerrfffuulll intoxication for the two of U.
When was your last magical night together?
Tips for the men:
If U are seriously contemplating this, I applaud your courage. Some quick pointers to encourage U:
* Atmosphere makes a world of difference. Music, candles, aroma, U seriously can't do without.
* Aphrodisiac food. It is said that certain food increase fertility and others, increases sex drive. I believe it is more than that. Certain food puts certain special somebody in a sensual mood. What is her favourite? Chocolates? Strawberries? Whip cream? U mean U don't know?!?!
* Objective. Why do U want to lap dance her? To pleasure her? Or to get what U want out of her? Although ultimately both should be a by product. Your INTENT is crucial. Women knows it whether your first priority is for yourself or for her. GIVE and U shall RECEIVE. As simple as that.
There U go, my two cents worth. If U need more feedback from a woman's perspective, be more than happy to help. Email
Meanwhile, get it moving moving dude!
p.s. for your amusement only -,,1874919,00.html#article_continue
p.s.s. Lap Dance Workshop for Women
25th Aug 12pm-1pm
Stay Sexy * Sassy * SensUalicioUs!,
Joy Leng
SensUal Diva
SensUal Joy Lifestyle Studio
"BeaUtiful Women, BeaUtiful World"
Tel: 62814782
Joy's Private Blog:
Address: 1019 Upper Serangoon Road
Singapore 534757
SensUal Joy is created for ladies who believes in celebrating a hppy, healthy and sensUal life together with other like minded ladies to make a positive impact of family, community and nation.
We are proud to be official Lifestyle Studio for Sexpo Singapore 2005 and sponsoring Health Promotion Board Anti Smoking Campaign 2006/7.
"Nothing in the universe can stop a joyful woman overflowing with confidence and sensUality"
- Joy Leng, Founder of SensUal Joy
Don't Look Unless U R So Hot We Have To Hire!

If U are a sassy gal, &
U cannot imagine life without music & dance.
U are passionate about issues close to a women's heart &
U think U can fit into a fun & loving culture.
U are diligent about achieving goals & dreams &
A huge believer in living a happy, healthy & sensUal life.
If U are hot & bothered about making a difference in family, community & nation,
We will get down & dirty with U! *wink*
1. Sales & Marketing Angel (Full Time)
Basic & Commission
2. Telemarketing Babe (Twice A Week)
Basic and if U r good, how about complimentary move your ass classes! :o)
Email resume to
O n l y . t h e . s e x y . a n d . a d v e n t u r o u s . n e e d . a p p l y
"Nothing in the universe can stop a joyful woman overflowing with confidence and sensUality"
- Joy Leng, Founder of SensUal Joy
Stay Sexy * Sassy * SensUalicioUs!,
The SensUal Team
SensUal Joy Lifestyle Studio
"BeaUtiful Women, BeaUtiful World"
Tel: 6 281 4782
Joy's Private Blog:
Address: 1019 Upper Serangoon Road
Singapore 534757
SensUal Joy is created for ladies who believes in celebrating a hppy, healthy and sensUal life together with other like minded ladies to make a positive impact of family, community and nation.
We are proud to be official Lifestyle Studio for Sexpo Singapore 2005 and sponsoring Health Promotion Board Anti Smoking Campaign 2006/7.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Lap Dance or Chair Dance?
Merriam Webster Dictionary describes lap dance as an activity in which a usually seminude performer sits and gyrates on the lap of a customer.
It has no definition for chair dance. The closest suggestion for it is shrewdness; given to wily and artful ways or dealing . haha!
Essentially i believe be it lap dance or chair dance. To the layman, it is all the same. Everyone will come up with beautiful visions in their brain. And for the male, images that could stir up some serious hormones disco dancing. * you got to move it move it....*
Not trying to kill the glory of the pictures U have in your head right now *tsk tsk* I shall attempt to be a little bit more professional about this topic. *she says rather unimpressively* *oP
In SensUal Joy, a lap dance session is taught using a reasonably large armchair. Can U guess why? The armchair has armrest silly. Hence there are more rooms for movement and creativity. A chair dance workshop is done using.... yeah you got it right this time! a chair!
The chair workshop in SJ is more of MTV style. What U would imagine say hot Britney or saucy Kylie to do when they lay their hands on a chair in music videos.
Implications for the men.....
The lap dance will be a more participative dance. There is physical contact. It is almost a dance by the couple. There are subtle sensual interaction.
In a chair dance, unless U r sitting on the chair, U are probably somewhere else in the space watching. U become technically the passive spectator and your partner is the performer. Then of course, she will have to use her eye contact to maintain constant connection with U.
In summary, for the lap dance, the stimulation is visual and kinesthetic. Whereas in the chair dance, the stimulation is visual.
Hope the information helps. If it doesn't? Well, do a lap dance on her then!
p.s. bear in mind that this is SJ's definition, and it does not necessarily applies to other places that teaches lap dancing and/ chair dancing.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
SensUal, the Naughy One
My beautiful SensUal just destroyed my Blackberry. Yes, U heard it right. Stripped it bare of its keypad. Totally irrecoverable. Haiz. Have I ever told U how much I love SensUal?
Everyone who has stepped in to the studio will find her irresistibly adorable. It's like she is the master and I'm her servant. *op
Her cutesy ways are difficult to resist. When I bought her, I wanted her to be able to be the ice breaker for shy clients. Ladies who are unsure about being in the studio.
What I did not calculated was how much of a stunning success SensUal is gonna be. She is the ultimate Dog Diva in our space. Haha!
1% girl,
Joy Leng
"SensUal Diva, Sassy Life"
Tel: 62814782
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Massage Therapy
I was totally shattered by the time I reached home. I had to crawl to bed for a 30 mins rest before I felt like a functioning human again. Even then, the shoulders felt terrible.
Late party nights last week topped with the dance sesison with Professor John was starting to tense up my body. Thank God for a wonderful massage I had.
Waking up today was lesser of a torture than it was the day before. U know, massage have wonderful benefits and U babes out there should remember to slot in some massage sessions to rest that tired body.
The next time U have a stressful day, go for a massage instead of that sugary snack. Even a simple shoulder massage by a friend/colleague will do wonders. U can always reciprocate that lovely gesture.
Massage not only relaxes U , it also reduces your heart rate, lowers your blood pressure, increase blood circulation and lymph flow, relaxes your muscles, improve your range of motion, boost your immune system and increasing endorphins.
Not forgetting the mental & emotional benefits. U will be induced into a relaxed stated of alertness and enhances your capacity for calm thinking and creativity. We all know the power of the human touch. It creates a feeling a well-being and reduces anxiety levels.
Do U need more reasons to go for a massage today? :o)
Here are some places U can visit:
Wild August Angel Nitz
We literally burned the entire club last evening for our angel night. In fact, I think we created a second dance floor! There were so much dirty dancing the entire night, I'm very sure many of the male guests will be having sore eyes the next day. haha!
The angels are downright hot and happening. From the dance floor to the podium, we occupied a large area to satisfy our dancing desires. All sorts of props were suddenly whipped out, from belts to ties. *shake head* keke.
The poor servers probably warned one another about the dangers of moving around in our space. keke.
I was once again reminded of the unbelievable stamina my angels possessed. Not forgetting their undying passion for dancing. New angel of course, had to be uhem, orientated. And I saw the seasoned angels being very proactive about it too!
I am thankful for another wonderful night out with my angels. Definitely feel like paradise... *wink*
p.s. wanna see more pics?
check it out at - girl,
Joy Leng
"SensUal Diva, Sassy Life"
Tel: 62814782
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Sexy Boardgame
We have been meaning to try this really sensUal board game for the longest time. When we finally get down to it, it was uhem, truly HOT HOT HOT! Any game that ends up with someone stripping is always tantalising is it not? keke...
Initially it seems complex but once we got to the flow of things, we never looked back! Everyone got nervous everytime the person next to them gets to draw a card.
Because you never know whether the card is addressed to you simply because you are sitting at his/her right/left! ahhh... Sexy tension cannot be that bad i guess.
Too many times, a card required some victim to engage in really hilariously funny action or activity that left the rest in stitches. Mild question such as "have you ever think about sex during work" to much rauchier ones.
If you are lucky, you get away with answering a private question. If you are down on your luck, you will find yourself doing things that you normally will never EVER be caught dead doing. haha!
This is what some of the remarks we had -
"Hilariously funny, wacky, delicicious and sexilicious game!" - Karin
"Aiyo... must strip..... Haha.... bootlicious!" - D. K
"Fun!" - Nix
"Totally fun and interactive! Brings out the mood. Great for a group night out!" - Janice
Yes, the verdict is out. It is officially available for our hen parties package. Definitely turn up the heat a few notches higher for our clients!
1% girl,
Joy Leng
"SensUal Diva, Sassy Life"
Tel: 62814782
Friday, August 10, 2007
Worn Out Lady

She asked a lot of questions and was obviously eager to take classes. Subsequently I invited her to join our Love Kitten Bootcamp for beginners, she was unable to make it.

I was thrilled to bump into her. However, i was concerned. She looked worn out and listless. Her boyfriend was with her.
He has to travel frequently for work and hence they have not been able to share as much time as they used to.

I would have imagine that in such situation, she would be happy that he is in town and right by her side. Alas, what i saw was a couple who were bored. That sight was very sad for me.

The poor girl has been working so hard that by the time she gets to meet her boyfriend, if she gets to see him in the first place, has no more energy nor enthusiam left.
This is probably a sentiment that you can relate with. Women these days are stressed up over work, family and community commitments.
There is nothing left for the women in us at the end of the day.
I was once again reminded of why we are here and why we do what we do. It is always a joy to see those smiles on the ladies faces when they finished their bootcamps.

It is good to know that at least our clients can get to spend some precious me-time in the studio. If you have not been doing much to love yourself, perhaps its time to think about that.

1% girl,
Joy Leng
"SensUal Diva, Sassy Life"
Tel: 62814782