"I have spent a lot of time observing animals in the wild and on farms.
It occurred to me after witnessing their antics, especially at mating time, that a lot of male human behavior mimics the unthinking, instinctual actions of wild beasts!
Animals do not take into consideration the wants, needs and desires of their prospective mates. They just take. Whether the mating is by consent or not, they only know their own desires and give little regard to what the female wants.
Witness two male deer who both fix their eyes on an attractive female. The males strut and prance to attract the female’s attention. The males see each other and suddenly the competition becomes not as much for the female but rather to mate with her before another male does.
The males end up competing with each other, sometimes physically, to clear the way to mate with the female.
When the dust clears and the scuffle is done, the last standing male takes his prize.
The mating is fast, sometimes brutal, and seldom to the liking or pleasure of the female. The female is bred and the male turns his attentions elsewhere. He may be in the periphery, offering protection and maybe food, but he is also scanning for other females and, if he is lucky, taking control of the herd rather than sharing with the individual.
How often do we see this same behavior mimicked in human beings? How often does the female play the part of the amateur temptress, exposing herself, her plumage, to the best physical male specimens without considering herself and her self esteem first? And, how often, after the males fight over themselves for her attentions, is the lady left feeling empty, helpless and used? How often does the woman wind up depressed and feeling it is her fault?
As rational, thinking human beings with feelings, emotions and a need for companionship, how often do we give in to our animal natures? How often does this impatience to mate, to reach out to another human being, lead to disappointment and disaster because we could not overcome our animal selves?
All of us, both males and females need to take a step back and look over the mating game. What are we seeking and how are we trying to get it? Are we looking at the animal side…the physical presence and instinctive lust…or are we taking the time to let that unique feature of human beings come into play: Our minds.
Humans are unique in that we can think and rationalize. Yet we seldom use this unique ability when seeking a mate. We need to start looking to the soul, finding our unique compatibilities of spirit rather than letting the beast control. When we learn control of our minds, we then learn control of our bodies and enjoy a more complete, fulfilling and yes, sensual, experience in our mating practices. In this way we have the ability to learn to attract, to learn to please, to learn the spirit of our mate and in turn have our mate’s spirit please us.
In seeing what Joy is doing and trying to achieve, I see her instilling both discipline and appeal to the mating and living practice. We don’t deny the animal side. We need it! But we control it, learn about it and tame the beast to our advantage. Take control! Imagine learning to take the attributes of self to give the male beast what he wants while indeed getting what you want: self esteem, respect, attention and desire?
We need each other, intellectually, spiritually and sensually. If we see the individual, then and only then, can we find the reflection our true selves and fully enjoy the sharing of sensuality!"
Thanks Karl for your very passionate sharing. Yes, thats a big part of the work we do in SensUal Joy. To teach skills and techniques to ladies to increase their intimacy and the "fun" element in their relationship. So they do their due diligence as the woman in the relationship and do away with primitive "crash, boom, bang".
Today's society plus the needs, demands and requirements for a successful and loving relationship is very different.
p.s. All the best Karl to your new modelling agencies in the Carribean. :o)
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