Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Love from Philippines & US …

We Love Sexy Lap Dancing!


It was a pleasant and great pleasure to meet you and your friends. I NEVER REGRET taking your classes and thanks so much to my Babylove T coz he gave me a chance to EXPERIENCE MORE and DISCOVER MY PASSION and of course to you for taking your TIME AND PATIENCE in teaching me all that “Ohhlala moves”!

I am really really lucky to have T in my life! He is a great man inside and out. He is a blessing and “fills me in….”( read between the line girl…hahaha! lucky me huh?!) T is my man and the first time I met him I knew that it was him that’s why got his initial tattooed down there…oopss, do I talk to much?

Anyway, We thank you for opening your house for sensual and passion suckers like US! hahaha! T and I really enjoyed our vacation precisely because you guys are just fun to be with, part of knowing you made our vacation more memorable! Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts:)

It’s just funny coz somehow, we have some connections in one way or the other! I guess, that was indeed written and meant to happen. We hope to see you again in some other time or place. Good luck on your future projects! We’ll keep in touch! promise lah!

Joy, you are a GREAT WOMAN and I SALUTE YOUR POWER AND GUTS to take the lead! Go for it!

Regards to SensUal!!!

Kisses and SensUal moves,
Breezy and T

Sept 11, 2007



To U love birds, thank U for allowing us to show U hospitality in your trip. We are glad that U have enjoyed our company the way we did with yours. Breezy please remember your moves because I cannot possibly fly to Philippines to remind U! :o) U must cherish T, a man who would bother to arrange such classes for his lady is rare and a true gem.

T, thank U for coming to us. It is very flattering for a guy to contact us all the way from the States and insist that the lady must have lessons with us. I hope we did uhem, a satisfactory job for U! :o)

So, remember to call us when the wedding date is finalised. Breezy, what is over is NOT over. U know what i mean? *wink*

With all our best wishes, love, hugs and sensUal moves,

SensUal & Joy & SensUal Joy (haha!)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Strip A Lap Dance

I love these two pictures. It's sensUal and beautiful. Seriously, what can be more wonderful than an intoxicating lap dance by your partner right after a sexy strip by her? And it's done all for U?

That will definitely draw the couple closer together. Making the effort to learn the delectable skills, setting up the ambience, goes a long way to add another generous deposit into your marriage love account.

Ladies, if U are going to prepare for that delicious treat for him, here are some tips:

* Nett stocking are suggestive and my personal favourite. However, be careful if U are going to perform in them. They tend to tangle up and that's the last thing U need in the middle of the act!

* Find out what he likes. Different boys get turned on by different clothings and materials. Satin, lace, lingerie, bra, PVC and the list goes on. If U are going to turn him on, U want to do it right the FIRST TIME.

* There is no room for mistakes if U ask me. Do what U want and know how to go about delivering it. No one likes to see a performer fail. VISUALIZE as often as U can. Know by heart what U want to do for him. So when the time goes, everything can go on auto gear.

* LAUGHTER always help. If U falter towards the end and U know that he can tell, just laugh at yourself. That will ease your anxiety and invite him to join U in comic relief. It will be the safest damage control. Or perhaps by then, he is too hot to bother about your mistakes. *I pray!* :o)

* Last but not least, SEEK HELP if it is all too complicated for U. RIGHT practice makes perfect. So ensure U are doing the right thing. NEVER BE SHY about asking for help.

*And always, TRUST yourself.

Remember, U deserve to be happy. So does he. U two deserve to be happy TOGETHER too.

Email me (joyleng@gmail.com) if U need any suggestions, would be more than glad to help.

Have a sassy week...

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Just Me and My Lover

"I love pole dancing. I love my pole. It's my lover and my friend. Seen me through the worse times in life. That sense of freedom on the pole. Just me and my pole. That delicious diva feeling. That power of sensUality with the pole. U deserve to feel it too."

Excerpt from http://sensualdiva.blogspot.com/2007/09/whats-in-pole-slide.html

I can concur with that feeling and emotion! I have seen it both expressed and not expressed in the models I photograph. Those who don't love their work, and don't get lost in it or feel its power, make lousy pictures no matter how pretty they are.

For myself...I love creating beauty and substance with the camera. When I shoot, I experience that high of love, that ultimate rapture of being surrounded by nothing but the urge to satisfy my lover and let my lover satisfy me.

For what is love but the nonjudgmental acceptance of that which makes you happy? The world and its pains and troubles goes away and there is just you and your lover making happiness!

It is a sanctuary and an affirmation of self and the fact that for those precious moments in time, all is right with the world.
Everyone needs to let loose and feel that!

- Carib

Are Males and Animals That Far Apart

"I have spent a lot of time observing animals in the wild and on farms.

It occurred to me after witnessing their antics, especially at mating time, that a lot of male human behavior mimics the unthinking, instinctual actions of wild beasts!

Animals do not take into consideration the wants, needs and desires of their prospective mates. They just take. Whether the mating is by consent or not, they only know their own desires and give little regard to what the female wants.

Witness two male deer who both fix their eyes on an attractive female. The males strut and prance to attract the female’s attention. The males see each other and suddenly the competition becomes not as much for the female but rather to mate with her before another male does.

The males end up competing with each other, sometimes physically, to clear the way to mate with the female.

When the dust clears and the scuffle is done, the last standing male takes his prize.

The mating is fast, sometimes brutal, and seldom to the liking or pleasure of the female. The female is bred and the male turns his attentions elsewhere. He may be in the periphery, offering protection and maybe food, but he is also scanning for other females and, if he is lucky, taking control of the herd rather than sharing with the individual.

How often do we see this same behavior mimicked in human beings? How often does the female play the part of the amateur temptress, exposing herself, her plumage, to the best physical male specimens without considering herself and her self esteem first? And, how often, after the males fight over themselves for her attentions, is the lady left feeling empty, helpless and used? How often does the woman wind up depressed and feeling it is her fault?

As rational, thinking human beings with feelings, emotions and a need for companionship, how often do we give in to our animal natures? How often does this impatience to mate, to reach out to another human being, lead to disappointment and disaster because we could not overcome our animal selves?

All of us, both males and females need to take a step back and look over the mating game. What are we seeking and how are we trying to get it? Are we looking at the animal side…the physical presence and instinctive lust…or are we taking the time to let that unique feature of human beings come into play: Our minds.

Humans are unique in that we can think and rationalize. Yet we seldom use this unique ability when seeking a mate. We need to start looking to the soul, finding our unique compatibilities of spirit rather than letting the beast control. When we learn control of our minds, we then learn control of our bodies and enjoy a more complete, fulfilling and yes, sensual, experience in our mating practices. In this way we have the ability to learn to attract, to learn to please, to learn the spirit of our mate and in turn have our mate’s spirit please us.

In seeing what Joy is doing and trying to achieve, I see her instilling both discipline and appeal to the mating and living practice.
We don’t deny the animal side. We need it! But we control it, learn about it and tame the beast to our advantage. Take control! Imagine learning to take the attributes of self to give the male beast what he wants while indeed getting what you want: self esteem, respect, attention and desire?

We need each other, intellectually, spiritually and sensually. If we see the individual, then and only then, can we find the reflection our true selves and fully enjoy the sharing of sensuality!"

Thanks Karl for your very passionate sharing. Yes, thats a big part of the work we do in SensUal Joy. To teach skills and techniques to ladies to increase their intimacy and the "fun" element in their relationship. So they do their due diligence as the woman in the relationship and do away with primitive "crash, boom, bang".

Today's society plus the needs, demands and requirements for a successful and loving relationship is very different.

p.s. All the best Karl to your new modelling agencies in the Carribean. :o)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What Have U Done For Her Lately?

I met an amazing guy. Who gave me hope for happy future generations. A man who would buy two suitcases of lingerie, dresses, stiletoes, accessories and vibrator to make the woman happy, healthy and sensUal.

Unbelievable? Seeing is believing. Look at these gifts. I wouldn't have been convinced if I did not see it myself. Everything has been taken care of. All the woman need to do is to pick the items that catches her fancy. Absolutely inspiring.

Now mind U, we can talking about a man who does not date in front of his kids. Is a strict disciplinarian and believes in being a role model and setting a good example for the children. A 44 years old who sees himself as a "one woman" man.

And having said all that, this same guy who would love for the fiancee to wear a mini skirt without panties on vacation. Yes, U heard it right. Who buys school girl outfits for her to wear and to even take sexy shots of her with her stiletoes.

What Have U Done For Her Lately?

Have U spared a thought for her emotional and physical well being as a woman? Screw that part on being a mother, a daughter-in-law, the list goes on. Remember, she is FIRST a WOMAN before anything else.

Have U considered buying for her something really private and special? To show that U care for the WOMAN inside? A prepaid private lap dance class perhaps? Or a fun SensUal Couple workshop?

Forget about the old candlelight dinner. It's nice if U ask me. But SO passe and awfully unoriginal. I won't be too mightily impress with the guy if someone like that dates me. Cmon! It's a new world out there!

U are the love of her life, Prove It....

U are welcome to email me if U need ideas and if U are utterly clueless. (joyleng@gmail.com) Good luck!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

SensUality with Sensibility

"I have to concur with Joy.

I have seen the spam emails for sites proposing to teach men how to date like a dynamo or capture the girl of their dreams.

I'd be laughing except that I have a teen-aged daughter.

Those sites give advice that dehumanizes women and lumps them into categories like fruit at the market. "Take this approach and she will be putty in your hands" they seem to say.

And those sites make millions of dollars.

I would say do not worry except that with the overall approach to women these days, especially in the media, I am seeing young women playing more and more into the hands of, if not sexual predators, dating predators.

The dress and actions of many young ladies today caters to men's dreamy fantasies of the sexualized babe. Eye candy, body hugger, bed warmer. May the best flesh win.

The message being sent is sexual as opposed to sensual.

And if a lady does not know the difference between sexual and sensual she is basically asking for it. You are asking for men to judge you by your body, not your person. You are not a stereotype to be classified by horny men!

We have here on Jurgita a site for of young ladies. In modeling, ladies use their bodies as a marketable commodity. Nothing wrong with that. But there is a differentiation between sexual and sensual even when doing nudes!

Learn sensuality and discard the sexuality. Your careers and lives and love lives will be all the better for it."

- Carib Goodies

Thank U my friend. That is exactly what worries me. On one hand, we have ladies who are totally unaware of their sensUality. On the other, we have ladies who are blind to the real purpose of their sensUality. That what motivates me to keep the studio going. So there is a place to go to for help. And it's private, confidential and safe.

p.s. this is a contribution to my earlier blog entry - Ladies Beware:
Read it for better understanding and awareness ladies!

What's In A Pole Slide?

Why Does Pole Dancing Make Guys Sit Up Right?
Why Do U Shy Away From Pole Dancing?

Because it's difficult? BULLSHIT!

In SensUal Joy, pole dancing is divided into two categories. Beside pole warm ups, we have pole styling and pole tricks (stunts). Pole dancing has no fixed definition. Unlike ballet.

For instance, a pole dancer who emphasizes on pole stunts versus another pole dancer who does minimal or no pole stunts at all but plenty of pole styling. Who is pole dancing? Both!

So U see, U can choose what U want to learn when U come for pole dancing classes. Pole styling will still require U to utilize your muscles and activate your coordination skills.

U end up with not only a good workout but a very sexy one I must say. U get to see yourself with a pole, around a pole in the mirror. That will do wonders to your mind. U will start to see yourself and your body a little differently. U see darling, it's all a psychological game. No one can tell u that U are not hot until U decide so yourself. So DECIDE! Or someone else will decide for U.

If U haven't realized by now, ANYONE with a little guidance can look SIZZLING HOT with a pole. U just need to attend my class! haha! There are exclusive group classes if U need to "hide" in a crowd.

Unfortunately in my class, U can run but U can't hide. Hoho! Because even exclusive group classes are meant to be small. I believe in quality attention.

First because it's pole, it's sensitive (U know what i mean).

Second, when I was a dancer, I remember feeling neglected when I go for classes. It was always so packed. When U struggle, no one was there to help. That sense of helplessness. U start blaming yourself. That maybe U are stupid, or what were U thinking about coming to a class when U can't even keep up. I will NEVER allow my clients to have any opportunity to think that way about themselves. That would be a crime.

If U are REALLY SHY, hello! I have private coaching. Of course it will be more value for money if U take advantage of the packages, where the last lesson comes complimentary.

I DON'T CARE if this seems like another shameless ad. U need help. U know it. If it's my job to pester U, so be it. But COME. I like to think I'm a nice teacher. Yes I'm bitchy but my bark is worse than my bite. I just get mad sometimes when U don't come for help and push yourself to be who U deserve to be. Yes, that can get me VERY MAD. *growl*

I love pole dancing. I love my pole. It's my lover and my friend. Seen me through the worse times in life. That sense of freedom on the pole. Just me and my pole. That delicious diva feeling. That power of sensUality with the pole. U deserve to feel it too.

So call me, let's fix a date where U can slide your sexy ass down that delicious pole. I guarantee U will feel so alive and trust me, HE WILL COME ALIVE WITH U TOO. *wink*

Come for class. It will help. I promise.

Be 1% more sensUal today....

Email me at joyleng@gmail.com if U have questions.

Monday, September 3, 2007

SensUality Will Keep U Alive

Have U ever wondered why the whole world go crazy over Paris Hilton sex video? Or the fact that we have a national sex heroine call Annabel Chong? Isn't it amazing how everyone talks about it, read about it, and even blog about it!!!

We sell millions of papers, magazines, tv shows based on what sexy people do. Teenagers copy sexy mtv moves. We have beauty pageants, front page covers of fantastic bods. Isn't that also why U always checked out SensUal Joy's picture gallery? Have U ever wondered WHY?

Because yes sex sells. And why does sex sells? Because it triggers our emotions. It turn U on, sizzle your insides, turn up your temperature, create a DIFFERENCE in u. Doesn't matter even if U don't know the sexy lady personally. Looking at her MAKES U FEEL ALIVE!

Women likes to watch women. Men likes to watch women. Who dares disagree?

What about U? When was the last time U ever feel alive looking at yourself? Have U EVER felt alive looking at yourself? Never? U, pathetic fool! Don't spend your entire life looking at others!!!

For goodness sake, look at the bloody mirror!


* Look at the mirror, Do U Like What U See?

* Yes, which part do u like about yourself?

* No, which part is less than desirable to U?

* Why do U like the parts that U like?

* Why do U find these part(s) undesirable?

* What can U do to improve the undesirable parts?

* If U can do something about it, what could U possibly do to improve the undesirable parts?

* When are U going to do something about it?

* What are the immediate actions U can take to get closer to getting what U want?

* What are the 3 tasks that U can do NOW to make a difference for yourself?

* Visualise the new U, see it, feel it, intensify that feeling. REMEMBER that emotion.

* What will happen if U do not take action now? Visualise the same old U *yawn*

* Call up a photo studio, book a package for a future date, (i don't care when, just make sure its realistic and U have enough time to get that body U want).


I love everything about me. My personality, my body and i think my butt rockz. Yes I sincerely feel that way. That does not mean that I think I'm perfect. Far from it. If each of my flaws were a drop from the ocean, I would have enough flaws to flood Singapore and drown U right in your house!!!

Still, nevertheless I think I'm f---ing hot. Because I WORK MY ASS OFF TO FEEL THAT WAY, AND BE THAT WAY!!! FYI, no one is born HOT. Yes, some of us need to work harder than the rest. SO WHAT?!?!


Have a sensUalicioUs life...

p.s. If u want to find individual photographers, email me, I can refer.
If U need help to pose, contact me while I'm still not in my coffin.
Just do SOMETHING!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

All Things Naughty And Nice!

It was a fun experience for me to lead a mass group of ladies in the chair version of the infamous Lap Dance at the Legends, Fort Canning. The girls sure had a rolling good time! keke.

Everyone was lapping it up moving their ass, and doing fabulous hair flips in between their saucy moves. Haha! :o) And yes baby, U girls can really move man. *op I love it whenever I see ladies slowly but surely opening up to me, allowing themselves to experience all that I have to share. When the sensual kittens comes out of their shell, they definitely turn up the heat in the room! *wink*

"If they learn this for the one they love, he will be thrilled to know what they can do. For the singles, the one they eventually find will be breathless! Being the cameraman for this event makes me realize that so these are the skills that she can have and the woman that she can be. It makes me want to do likewise for her."
- Sebbie, the cameraman.

Floor Play - Burn the Floor

Baby Pink Tee for Me!

Exciting show! Fast moving, smooth, visually stimulating and excellent choreography. I had a wonderful time. Doesn't matter if U are a dancer, performer, everyday man and woman, just go and grab the show while it's still here! We all need a regular dose of inspiration to be taken to new heights.

It is awfully easy to get CAUGHT UP with daily life, its never ending demands and obligations that U forget to HAVE A LIFE!!! Be it floorplay or anything else that can add a spark to your day, and brings U out of your box for a moment, to escape or simply to take an awe inspired breath, DO IT!


Breezy's Singapore Rendezvous

"Extremely Awesome!
The class brought an excellent feeling of SensUality that every woman Has to have! She will never find out until Joy brings it out out of every babe. Thanks Joy for the wonderful experience!

A sure sense of sensUal Joy I found only in Singapore!"

Love & SensUal Moves,


This is a worthwhile story to share. Ted, her fiance from US visited our website and made an overseas call to her, urging her to attend class. Breezy was keen but like most woman, hesitated. She finally agreed and the rest was history.

Ted was the one who corresponded with me all the while, arranging the dates and type of classes suitable for Breezy. I find it very heartwarming that a man would not only bother about the emotional welfare of his girl, but also to take the trouble to make the arrangements for her.

It shows the depth and the heart of a wonderful man. Ted, thank U for showing me that men like U EXIST. Breezy, U are one lucky bitch and I'm really happy for U! :o)

Stephanie's Hen Party

I won't exactly call a morning hen party common in SensUal Joy. But it does have its own certain nice appeal. Especially if U have an aggressive girl troupe who is packing lots of activities for U before U walk down the aisle. :o)

Stepahanie's girlfriends was one of such troupe! keke. The moment she came in she shouted, "I knew it!." It was almost comical. The ladies had a blast for two hours. Hear what they have to say:

"A Super Giggly Party!" - Levin

"Fun! Shed tears of laughter!" - Qi

"Great fun, fun and yet instructional!" - Eunice

"Fantastic! Super! Enjoying all the sensUal dance." - Jane

"ULTRA FUN! Great ambience! WIll never forget this day EVER!" - the hen, Stephanie

Thank U ladies, I had fun hosting the party too. U girls rockz!

From all of us in SensUal Joy, have a most blessed marriage Stepanie. *hugz*